Sunday 20 January 2013


Well, today I have a lot of discomfort in my ovaries. Feeling very "full."  I hope that is okay! I hope that does not mean that I am only ovulating now! I have a lot going through my mind that is for sure. And to think I have to wait a full two weeks to find out if anything worked! Is it completely negative that I don`t really have a good feeling about this cycle? Maybe it is the way I am protecting myself from disappointment. Who knows. Either way, it is in God's hands now. I have to just let go and believe that whatever happens is what is supposed to happen but, my gosh, it is super hard to do. Please swim little spermies....swim, swim, swim.


  1. Normal! You should feel full. Sperm stay alive for up to 5 days! The point of IUI is to get them up there and waiting for the eggie! They don't have to make the journey and wait. They're already camped out and ready to roll! I was VERY negative with the IUI cycle. It's because your hopes are so high and the anticipation is worse than any two week wait because it's new! :0) Hang in there! Prayers!

  2. Thanks girlie. I'm trying to stay positive! It's hard. I'm emotional today. I want to fast forward the next two weeks so bad. Jan 31 if af is not here I will probably test even though the dr said to wait till the 3rd. I guess only time will tell. I'm not temping either because I want to think about it as little as possible ... Which is likely impossible hahaha
