Tuesday 29 January 2013

Not convinced...

As you all know, I ran out of the tests I used to test out my trigger yesterday. It seemed to be completely gone yesterday morning BUT I took a test this morning with second morning urine... AND...

I am not convinced that those lines are the real thing just yet. My darling cousin is getting her hands on the same tests I used to test out my trigger so I am going to see what happens after I hold my pee tonight.  I just have to pray that this is the real thing and that these lines get nice and dark over the next couple of days. I called the Dr. and she said that she will not draw a beta until Monday... If I test pos on Sunday, I have to call and then go in on Monday. HOW THE HELL DO I WAIT??? lol I guess I have to. I just hope this is not a trick. I guess that is why they are so overcautious at the clinic. Now, I wait.... and the nail biting continues.


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