Tuesday 22 January 2013

I lied...

So, I am doing everything I said I would NOT do. I have temped the last two mornings and yesterday, I bought four dollar store tests so that I could test out the trigger... I tell myself that I temped so that I am not blindsided if AF comes and, for the trigger, I tell myself that it is new and I want to see the progression. WHO AM I KIDDING? What a crock. Those are excuses for me to have something to obsess over! I wish I could fast forward the next two weeks. I want to know NOW. I started saying a novena last night (Catholic thing...) to St. Jude. I will continue the prayer for the next nine days. I swear I have done SO much bargaining with the Lord already. I guess I have to wait and if it is meant to be, it will be this cycle and if not, I will continue to pray and continue with IUI's until we get what we have prayed for...

Here are my two trigger tests so far.... Very light ! Maybe it will be out of my system by 6 or 7 dpo!  These are only cheap dollar tests too so, they may have been darker on a more expensive test...


  1. I do this all the time...I say " I wont do this, or this, or we will do this or that" then I do the total opposite! LOL...This TTC crap makes me a compulsive crazy lady!

  2. Me tooooo....I want this so bad, I swear I can taste it!!!!
