Thursday 24 January 2013

5 days past IUI

So, I am almost at the halfway mark to testing (although I am pretty sure I will end up testing around 10 or 11 dpiui). Yesterday, my wonderful cousin, who works at the pharmacy in my clinic, brought me home a few pregnancy tests so that I can continue to test out my trigger.  The dollar store brand realllllly suck. The dye runs and they don't seem to be overly sensitive so I needed to switch. I was right! Yesterday's dollar store test barely registered with a line and here is today's test (6 days past my hcg trigger)...

So, it is still there. Hopefully it disappears in the next few days and then come back in full force!! I WILL GET PREGNANT! Right? The power of positive thinking! Here is another entry from the book I have been reading to help stay positive and believe that this will work...

Listen to that voice inside you
that says you can accomplish anything.

Trust that feeling that tells you
you can achieve all that you hope for.

Believe that everything you want
is waiting for you.

Hold on to the knowledge
that nothing is impossible.

Remember that each person
who has ever achieved a goal
started out with only a dream.

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