Thursday 29 November 2012

Time goes by slowly

Time goes by so slowly that it almost feels like I am standing still in this whole ttc thing. I am SO happy for my friends who have been successful in their journeys and the friends I have who are in the process of working towards their dreams but I guess, I just wish it was me. While everyone seems to pass by me, here I am.  I know I am taking clomid this cycle but a part of me really feels like it is pointless. I mean, I guess that means I am not convinced that hubby's count can pull it off.  Our schedules are so crazy right now with work and finding time for one another is very difficult.  Maybe it is just today. Maybe tomorrow I will feel better? I hope so.

I am having some cramping and mild pain in both of my ovaries but a negative opk. Maybe tomorrow will be O day. At least I will see hubby tomorrow. We are both off in the evening so we can spend some "quality time."

Congratulations to my teacher friend :) You know who you are. Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months :)

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