Wednesday 6 February 2013


I actually could not think of a title for this blog post because, quite frankly, there are no words for the joy I am feeling--a smile will have to do :)  

Today, I got my second betas back! They more than doubled going from 445 on Monday to 1124 today! I am just over the moon. Finally, good news on the other end of the telephone! It feels like things are real today. I am finally growing a tiny little human... the perfect mix of my husband and I. I don't care if this baby is a boy or a girl... or more than one? My Mom and MANY of my friends are convinced there is more than one in there. Personally, I think there is just one :) BUT two would be double the blessing.... Only time will tell!

February 25th is the day... 19 more days until I get to see that little blip of a heartbeat on the screen. I just can't wait. I have so much love for this little bean and it is the size of a sesame seed! Hubby is starting to get comfortable with the idea that I am actually pregnant so that is nice :) I thank the Lord every night for this amazing, long awaited gift and I pray for the safe arrival of a beautiful, healthy baby boy or girl :)

Sometimes I feel like I need to pinch myself because I have dreamed about being pregnant so many times only to wake up in heart ache. NOT this time :) This time, I am living my dream of being a Mommy :) On my 30th birthday, I will be a Mommy... the most incredible gift in the world. 


  1. So every now and then throughout my day I think about how EXCITED and happy I am for you guys. You're going to be amazing parents to this little pooper.
    Love you my friend and stay positive =)

  2. Steph, THANK YOU! :) You are such and incredible friend! I am so happy but also so nervous! I keep picturing a heart beating and praying that this is my take home baby! XOXOX
