Monday, 21 January 2013


I have decided that I am going to be "PUPO" for the next two weeks.... Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise. I took my temperature this morning... I could not help myself! I am going to try and have some restraint and NOT temp because I don't want to add any unnecessary stress. I know I will be up and down with the ups and downs of temps and there really isn't anything that my temps will do that will give me hope... I mean, I have seen some UGLY charts end in bfp and some gorgeous ones end in a stark white test.  I just feel like I need some sort of control! Over something...

So, for the next two weeks I am will learn the art of patience. As hard as that is, I need to focus on other things because, if not, I will obsess over every twinge and tickle in my tummy. If I am pregnant, I am. If I am not, we will take a month off and do another round of IUI.  I really miss my kickboxing classes... they are my sanity. I will head back and do low intensity cardio tomorrow. I wanted to take a few days and rest up and do as little as possible. I know one thing, when I do manage to get pregnant, I will be one fit mamma because I will continue to stay active (within reason) because I really need it. Too much time to think is not a good thing for me... as my hubby always says, "Nothing good ever comes out of you 'thinking'" hahaha He's a character, that hubby of mine... the center of my universe. I can't wait to share that universe with a little one :)

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