Monday, 28 January 2013

Neil and Karen

So, a dear friend of mine sent me a ink to a couple's video called "Birds and the Bees"... I watched it and had this moment of "AHA!"  I will certainly continue to watch all of their videos. It simply illustrates PERFECTLY the events in an "infertile's" life... Because that is what I am, that is what we are... infertile. We can't seem to get pregnant (and have it stick) on our own. Just watch...

Today is one of those days where I am feeling realllllly sorry for myself. The trigger is gone and I miss seeing it... is that CRAZY? Like I miss seeing the two pink lines because, even though they were artificial, they were THERE and it was so comforting to see them again. Now they are gone and I am slowly losing hope that they will reappear. I am feeling really cramping and weepy... typical PMS symptoms for me... I could also be feeling super down because a FF friend of mine likely had a chemical pregnancy (one to add to a long list of chemicals and miscarriages). My heart is breaking for her. I was so excited to see her lines come back and darken. I wish I could take away the pain she is feeling in her heart right now. Unfortunately, it is a pain many people, like me, have to endure.  xo

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