Saturday, 11 May 2013

18 Weeks!

Almost halfway there!!

How far along? 18 weeks

Fetal Development Week 18

How big are the babies? At 18 weeks pregnant, your baby is hitting the height chart at five and a half inches long (remember, that's crown to rump) and weighs about five ounces (the weight of that boneless chicken breast you're making for dinner). 

And now for the skill of the week (drum roll please…): The art of the yawn has been mastered by your baby (someone's sleepy!).  In fact, you might catch a glimpse of that adorable yawn if you're getting an ultrasound this month. You'll also catch a glimpse of all the fetal movement your baby's doing — twists, rolls, kicks, and punches. And would you believe your baby is finally big enough for you to start feeling those movements now (or anytime in the next few weeks). So get ready!

Something you won't see on the ultrasound, but you'll know is in working order, is your baby's nervous system, which is maturing rapidly at this time.  Nerves, now covered with a substance called myelin (which speeds messages from nerve cell to nerve cell), are forming more complex connections. And those in the brain are further specializing into the ones that serve the senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. Talking about hearing, your baby's is growing more acute, making your little one more conscious of sounds that come from inside your body (which means you could both be listening to each other hiccup  — a skill that your baby has by now).

Weight gain/loss: Not quite sure! I will have to check that out soon. I don't own a scale so I usually just check at doctor's appointments or at a friends. I would say I have some weight on now. Between the belly and the boobs, it is inevitable

Maternity clothes: I wear pretty much all maternity clothes now with the exception of pajamas and t-shirts that I wear to bed.

Stretch marks: Nope! Not yet anyways!

Best moment of the week: When I felt a kick from the outside :) Last night I was sitting in the recliner and I had my hand on my tummy and left one of the babies give me a little kick :) LOVED it !

Movement: Kicks and rolls and turns! Pretty quite during the day but the evenings are very active :) Lately there has been someone's body part getting stuck up under my left rib and it HURRRTTTS hahaha But I still love it :)

Symptoms: Big round belly, BIG boobs, acid reflux, fatigue and lots of discomfort when I am sitting straight up (I need to have room for the babies so I often lay back).

Gender: We should know on FRIDAY!

Anything making you sick or queasy? Well, there is nothing really particular. I get sick from different things but if I get hungry at all, look out... I will puke.

Labor signs? Nope!

Wedding rings on/off? On

Mood? I have days where I am very emotional about stuff... I had a day last week where I just CRIED and cried ... and cried some more. But for the most part, I am pretty chipper. Hubby injured himself in a freak accident this past week and that has been really worrying me but I have a wonderful mamma who is always willing to help.

Looking forward to? FRIDAY! The anatomy scan and our gender reveal party!

Sleep? I am in bed around 10 every single night if not earlier. I wake A LOT to pee and I drink a lot of water through the night. When I sleep, I sleep very solid!

Stay tuned for belly pics!

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