Monday, 29 April 2013

16 weeks!

How far along? 16 weeks 3 days

How big are the babies?  By 16 weeks, your twins will each grow to 10cm (3.9in), from crown to rump. They now weigh about 100g (0.2lb) each. 

Your twins' unique fingerprints are already in place. And when you poke your stomach gently and they feel it, your twins may start rooting and sucking whatever is in front of their mouths. This could be a hand, foot or an umbilical cord. This sucking reflex will give them the training they need for breastfeeding once they're born. 

If one or both of your twins are girls, they will now have approximately two million eggs in their ovaries, dropping to a million by the time they're born. 

Your twins' bodies are now growing faster than their heads. Their parchment-thin skin covers itself with thick, downy hair (lanugo). Though their eyebrows are beginning to grow and they're sprouting hair on top of their heads, this may change in texture and colour once they're born. 

Your babies' legs are growing longer than their arms, each fingernail is fully formed, and all their joints and limbs can move. Their external genitals may be developed enough for a sonographer to tell whether you're expecting boys or girls. You may be able to find out the sex of your babies by ultrasound at this stage. 

Your twins' skeletons are mostly rubbery cartilage, which will later harden. A protective substance (myelin) slowly begins to wrap around the spinal cord. 

Your twins' chests move up and down to mimic breathing, but rather than air, they're taking in amniotic fluid, which helps their lungs to develop. Your twins are also starting to have hiccups. Hiccups are an essential reflex which trains their diaphragms, the muscles they need for breathing as soon as they are born. 

Weight gain/loss: In the first trimester, I lost 7 lbs but I have gained back 2.5 of that 7 :) I don't think it will be too much longer and I will be piling on the weight

Maternity clothes: Yup, all maternity clothes now :)

Stretch marks: NOPE! :) I coat myself in bio oil and have been able to prevent them so far! I DO have that dark line beginning to form from my boobs to my pelvic bone! Linea Nigra I believe it is called!

Best moment of the week: Any time I feel my babies, it is the best time :)

Movement: LOTS! Mainly in the evenings. I feel a LOT of movement from the little one on my right side and less from baby on the left.  When I eat anything cold, they move lots!

Symptoms: Big belly, big boobs  :) When I sneeze, I always dribble hahaha

Gender: Not sure! I am still thinking two boys!

Anything making you sick or queasy? Well, nothing specific really. I have been feeling much better. I have had a few evenings throwing up but really nothing in particular set me off. I have to eat when I am hungry or I will be very nauseated. 

Labor signs? Nope and they can stay far, far away!

Wedding rings on/off? On

Mood? BEST mood :)

Looking forward to? This afternoon's ultrasound! Cannot wait to see our little twinkies!

Sleep:  Been sleeping much better lately :) REALLY struggling with sleeping on my left side. I always end up on my right! 

Here is the newest belly pics!

15 weeks                                16 weeks

Sunday, 21 April 2013

I feel so beautiful :)

This past week, I have been feeling wonderful! The morning sickness seems to have tapered off and my acid reflux is under control with medication. I am growing and blooming and I just LOVE my new belly :) I have never felt so beautiful in my life. Being the keeper of two beautiful little darlings is like nothing I have ever experience. The tickles and movements make me smile and bring me tremendous joy.  I think I am growing two strong boys :)  Here is my bare belly...

Sunday, 14 April 2013

14 Weeks!

How far along? 14 weeks 1 day

How big are the babies? Now the size of your clenched fist, your baby is more fluid-like in his movements, so he’s no longer doing the jerk every time he repositions his arms and legs. Other developments this week include a roof of his own (inside his mouth, that is) as well as intestinal activity: His intestines are producing meconium (which is the waste that will make up his first bowel movement after birth). He is also sporting a downy coating of hair (lanugo) that keeps him nice and warm. Not to worry — you won't give birth to a monkey; baby fat will accumulate over the next few months and take over the function of keeping your baby warm and toasty —allowing most of that hair to shed.

Fetal Development Week 14

Weight gain/loss: I have actually lost 7 lbs since the beginning of the pregnancy. The doctor apparently is not worries so I am just hoping that the morning sickness eases off more and I can eat a little more.

Maternity clothes: Yup :) All maternity clothes. My shirts are okay because I like wearing lose empire wasted tops anyways.

Stretch marks: Nope. Bio oil every single day!

Best moment of the week: When our best friends announced to the rest of the world that they are expecting a week later than us!! :) 

Movement: Yes. My arsehole doctor tells me that I am "not feeling the babies yet" but I know I am. They tickle and flutter in my tummy on either side. I know it is them. I can put the doppler where I feel them and get a heartbeat right away! So boo on her and her negativity! Has SHE ever carried two babies? Unlikely. So there. 

Symptoms: Well. I throw up every day and the nausea and reflux is pretty much unbearable after supper. I always say that 3:30pm is my "peak puke time" haha  Other than that, my belly is getting bigger and my heart is full :)

Gender: Not sure! I am thinking boys!

Anything making you sick or queasy? Seems like everything makes me sick or queazy. 

Labor signs: Nope.

Wedding rings on/off: On

Mood: Great mood :) Loving my baby bump and LOVING the fact that my friends and family know about our miracles.

Looking forward to: May 17th :) Our Anatomy scan! Hotdogs or hamburgers? Or one of each?

Sleep: I am still a sleep machine. Bedtime is usually no later than 9:30/10:00pm

Here are the last few weeks' belly pics:

 12 weeks                                      13 weeks                            14 weeks

Seems like I am bigger at 13 weeks! I may have had a fully belly :) xoxo Babies are growing!!

It's been a while!

Sorry for the crazy break in my blog posts! I have really been suffering from morning sickness and I find that I am too tired to do anything when I get home home in the evenings. Too much time in front of a screen does a doozy on me (headaches, nausea etc).

So, here I am! 14 weeks 1 day pregnant with my little twinkies :) And every ounce of nausea and vomiting I am plagued with will be more than worth it when I hold my little miracles! Hubby lovingly calls them my "parasites" haha  The babies are growing and moving everyday! I am so in love with them :) Always rubbing my belly and talking and singing to them. They are my whole world :)

It would be GREAT if the reflux and nausea would ease up on me but I am not banking on it. I have a feeling I will be one of those women who have it the entire pregnancy. The sickness is not forever.... but my babies are. I just keep telling myself that :)